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Project Overview

Welcome to Apelantia, home to 3,000 unique apes partitioned into Mafia, Rebels, and Royals within the universe of Apelantia.
Each ape has its own detailed profile on our website, featuring stats and a unique backstory that enriches the larger narrative. Set within The Sandbox metaverse, your journey contributes to an unfolding saga captured in a Novel NFT, distributed to all ape holders. Explore, align, and leave your mark on the history of Apelantia.



The Royals, apes of noble blood who have held positions of authority and power for generations, centuries even. They first arose long before the steam engine became the popular means of power, and before even the advent of electricity. Six founders began the country of Apelantia, and their families and descendants have held it within an iron grip ever since. Influence and power run the land. How will you wield it?


The Rebels are a group of disaffected citizens of all species and creeds within Apelantia. They are not necessarily an organized group, which works both to their advantage and disadvantage. The scars of the 1700s uprising are still fresh in their minds. They still hear the stories from those days about the atrocities that took place. They recall tales told to them by their grandparents and great-grandparents about their predecessors. There will be no peace until the Royals answer for their crimes and corruption. Down with the Royals! Down with the Nobles! Rise up commoners of Apelantia! The time to rule yourselves has come!


The Mafia… a dastardly lot of criminals. Any self-respecting Ape does their best to avoid them when they can. However, as the corruption of the Royals increases, and the instability caused by the Rebels’ actions grows, the Mafia’s power expands. The more power they gain, the more influence they have, the more they can control, the more money they can make. For, that is all the Mafia truly cares about: wealth. The rich and easy life, that’s what the Mafia promises you… but at what cost?



Launch of the marketing campaign and brand awareness to spread the word of Apelantia across the globe.

Establishing The Bank of Apelantia; A community wallet system that will be divided into four main sub-wallets: Main, Royal, Rebel, and Mafia.

The Main Community Wallet will fund all developments and marketing campaigns planned for the future of Apelantia. It will be initially funded with 400 ETH to cover the project development expenses. The growth of the account will be secured with the inflow of 75% of the total revenues generated from PAC Token royalties.

The remaining 25% will be directly sent to faction community wallets. Each faction also has a unique way of generating continuous passive income.

Royals: Tax System
Rebels: Foreign Aid
Mafia: Narcotic Trade


You can read about these systems on the whitepaper

We will be implementing a global currency for all future Apelantia projects; the currency will be used for maintaining the Ecosystem of the Apeverse, such as the Play-To-Earn system, Genesis income, and hosting giveaways and contests.

We will be injecting the pool with initial liquidity of 250K USD which will gradually increase with the global adoption of the token, along with the provided 2.5% trading fee upon trading.
When 100% of the NFTs are sold out, we will be launching our separate marketing campaign for the token to provide a substantial value for the existing holders upon release.

Setup exclusive community chats and initiate guild system developments for holders to create their own communities with their friends within the estate and make a name for themselves in the Apeverse.

Purchasing a 12×12 Estate on The Sandbox to bring life to the Apeverse. This estate will be the foundation of the Apelantia where the estate will act as the country of Apelantia. Where all are welcomed to enjoy the public experiences built within and explore the vast lands of Apelantia. Factions have the ability to monopolize the profits of the experiences by conquering LANDs from the opposing factions and expanding their dominance on the map.


Holders of each faction will benefit from the generated income from the play-to-earn experiences hosted on their lands.

Commencing dividends system paid to our unique Genisis Holders. Where each Genisis NFT will generate lifetime passive income covered from the Main Community Wallet until the release of the token $ADAMAS.

Holders will gain rewards through The Game, which will be hosted on the map’s No Man’s Land district. Where factions will battle seasonally over land dominance to conquer the experiences that generate profit. Seasonal winners will be entered into exclusive raffles and earn through passive income experiences from the newly acquired land.

Faction members can also generate income as solo players through our single-player campaign, where they will have seasonal main and side quests to complete and gain extra $Adamas that can be used to upgrade your character, purchase Product X from Mafias and gain game-changing advantages in battles, or sell the $Adamas for profit on decentralized exchanges.

All actions and major events that occur within the Apeverse are recorded into a novel written by a team of professional novelists to continue the lore of the Apeverse. From the top-performing guilds to the highest contributing players all will have a chance to be mentioned in the Apeverse Novel. Pave your path, create your own destiny and leave your mark on the history of Apelantia.

All holders will be airdropped a chapter of the novel as an NFT at the end of each season. As well as a voxel Sandbox NFT exact replica of their original PAC NFT.


Learn more about Apelantia on our official whitepaper.
Launch of the marketing campaign and brand awareness to spread the word of Apelantia across the globe.
Setup exclusive community chats and initiate guild system developments for holders to create their own communities with their friends within the estate and make a name for themselves in the Apeverse.

Establishing The Bank of Apelantia; A community wallet system that will be divided into four main sub-wallets: Main, Royal, Rebel, and Mafia.

The Main Community Wallet will fund all developments and marketing campaigns planned for the future of Apelantia. It will be initially funded with 400 ETH to cover the project development expenses. The growth of the account will be secured with the inflow of 75% of the total revenues generated from PAC Token royalties.

The remaining 25% will be directly sent to faction community wallets. Each faction also has a unique way of generating continuous passive income.

Royals: Tax System
Rebels: Foreign Aid
Mafia: Narcotic Trade


You can read about these systems on the whitepaper
Purchasing a 12×12 Estate on The Sandbox to bring life to the Apeverse. This estate will be the foundation of the Apelantia where the estate will act as the country of Apelantia. Where all are welcomed to enjoy the public experiences built within and explore the vast lands of Apelantia. Factions have the ability to monopolize the profits of the experiences by conquering LANDs from the opposing factions and expanding their dominance on the map.


Holders of each faction will benefit from the generated income from the play-to-earn experiences hosted on their lands.
We will be implementing a global currency for all future Apelantia projects; the currency will be used for maintaining the Ecosystem of the Apeverse, such as the Play-To-Earn system, Genesis income, and hosting giveaways and contests.

We will be injecting the pool with initial liquidity of 250K USD which will gradually increase with the global adoption of the token, along with the provided 2.5% trading fee upon trading.
When 100% of the NFTs are sold out, we will be launching our separate marketing campaign for the token to provide a substantial value for the existing holders upon release.

Commencing dividends system paid to our unique Genisis Holders. Where each Genisis NFT will generate lifetime passive income covered from the Main Community Wallet until the release of the token $ADAMAS.

Holders will gain rewards through The Game, which will be hosted on the map’s No Man’s Land district. Where factions will battle seasonally over land dominance to conquer the experiences that generate profit. Seasonal winners will be entered into exclusive raffles and earn through passive income experiences from the newly acquired land.

Faction members can also generate income as solo players through our single-player campaign, where they will have seasonal main and side quests to complete and gain extra $Adamas that can be used to upgrade your character, purchase Product X from Mafias and gain game-changing advantages in battles, or sell the $Adamas for profit on decentralized exchanges.

All actions and major events that occur within the Apeverse are recorded into a novel written by a team of professional novelists to continue the lore of the Apeverse. From the top-performing guilds to the highest contributing players all will have a chance to be mentioned in the Apeverse Novel. Pave your path, create your own destiny and leave your mark on the history of Apelantia.

All holders will be airdropped a chapter of the novel as an NFT at the end of each season. As well as a voxel Sandbox NFT exact replica of their original PAC NFT.


Learn more about Apelantia on our official whitepaper.


We will commence on our journey of expanding into the Apeverse.


NFT (non-fungible token) is a piece of art that lives on the blockchain. Owning an NFT is just like owning a painting, but instead of owning it physically, you own it virtually on the blockchain. The Apelantia doubles as exclusive membership to unique real-value utilities.
It also serves as your ticket to a new metaverse experience.

The three factions are at war, based within a partitioned 12×12 Estate in the Sandbox. You can fight with your faction to invade and dominate more lands and gain more passive income.

The novel will be released as chapters; each chapter will be introduced in its ready-to-read format at the end of each season (3 months) on our official website: https://apelantia.com

By the end of the yearly calendar, the four chapters will be combined into a limited edition Novel NFT that will be airdropped for free to all PAC holders.

Yes. Genesis has the unique ability to pledge allegiance to a faction of their choice once every season (3 months). They will participate in battles in the name of the faction they pledged their allegiance to.

You can only generate passive income with your faction as a regular holder. One way is through invading the lands that hold the Play-to-Earn buildings. The more P2E experiences your faction has on its soils, the more passive income your faction generates. The revenue generated from these experiences is held in your faction’s community wallet. Factions also generate passive income from the Royalties; 8.3% of all sales made goes to your faction’s community wallet, which you can control by a voting system on how to spend the funds (e.g., distribute all funds across all faction holders, use it as an investment on an exterior protocol, or even donate it if you’re feeling generous).

Guilds are still under development as we are working on creating a system where you can unite your power with your friends and earn together! More information soon 🙂

PAC is a collection that consists of 3,000 unique apes partitioned into three main factions: Mafia, Rebels, and Royals. Based within the Sandbox on a 12×12 Estate that acts as the country of Apelantia, you can fight with your faction over land dominance and real-world money.


Note: Apelantia is a stand-alone global brand and is in no way associated with the Sandbox. The Games hosted on the Sandbox are merely utilities of PAC.

If you own a PAC NFT, you will be able to participate in the game upon the release of The Sandbox. All holders will be airdropped a free PAC Sandbox Voxel NFT, which will be your pass to join in seasonal battles, contests, events, and mini-games.

No, you do not need to read the novel to participate. But it is highly recommended as most quests and battles are based on the novel. You will also have an upper-hand advantage in discovering the Apelantia Lore Easter Eggs hidden within the estate that grants valuable rewards!

Genesis NFTs being very unique and limited, they come with many advantages over regular PAC NFTs. Holders of Genesis will have a lifetime monthly passive income of 0.25 ETH. Other than their ability to choose their faction once every season, they will receive a rare Genisis Voxel NFT and rare unique in-game asset NFTs that will grant them the upper hand in seasonal battles.

You can earn extra income by playing and completing the single-player main quest missions or by participating in mini-games, contests, and giveaways. We will be hosting mini-games on No Man’s Land. 

Please note that you need to own and hold to the free airdropped Sandbox Voxel NFT that represents your PAC Token to participate in exclusive mini-games and battles, and to gain income from the Play-To-Earn story mode experiences.

You will be able to mint apelantians easily and directly on our website

Join the discord, and check our (whitelist-requirements channel)

Unfortunately, you can not choose the faction you will be assigned to. Upon minting a PAC NFT, you have a chance to get one of four; Mafia (%33), Rebel (%33), Royal (%33), or Genesis (%1)

You can read about the backstories of the factions and the ongoing lore of Apelantia on our official whitepaper, or by reading the Apelantia novel.

The Genisis are the most secretive and most potent society consisting of 99 members. Their origin is unknown. Their purpose is unknown. But they hold significant influence over Apelantia. So are they a faction? Nobody Knows.

Up until the release of the Adamas token, The Genesis lifetime monthly passive income of 0.25 ETH will be sustained by the royalties generated from Opensea sales that go to The Bank of Apelantia. After that, the Genesis will be paid the minimum equivalence of $500 worth of Adamas.

This is difficult to implement due to the limitations of the Sandbox, but we are working on it!

The best way to promote the project is by inviting people to the Discord channel, plus using a PAC NFT as your PFP across social media helps raise awareness about the project.

The launch date will be announced soon. Please keep your eyes peeled for any new updates on our Discord.




Backend Developer



Voxel Artist






Frontend Developer



Game designer



Project Lead / Backend Dev



Game Developer



Project Manager



Game developer

© 2023 Apelantia | All rights reserved.